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Sales Assessments

Not sure if the people in your sales organization have potential to improve?
Concerned you may not have the right people in sales roles?
Frustrated by sales candidates who talk a good game but can’t sell anything once you hire them?

We got you covered.

Assessing the individuals on your sales team is critical to determining if the right people are on board to deliver the results your business requires. Our sales assessment process has been developed specifically for sales professionals and identifies key sales attributes, behaviors, and motivators.

The online assessment platform is state-of-the-art and compiles detailed reports for individual sales professionals and entire sales teams. Optional personal interviews provide a more comprehensive evaluation of intangibles which are often missed by standardized assessments. SELLect Sales Development allows companies to make intelligent decisions about the capabilities of their sales teams, determine specific areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about hiring and retention objectives.

SELLect Sales Development is a certified distributor of the most reliable and valid assessments in the marketplace. They are used by over 5 million people worldwide for personal and professional development and effectiveness. In addition, SELLect Certified Sales Trainers can incorporate and customize over 30 personal development and self-management programs to help maximize the potential of individuals in the workforce.

Are you in need of a Sales SWOT Analysis?

Learn More about SELLect Sales’ SALES SWOT ON STEROIDS here!

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