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Sales SWOT on Steroids

SELLect Sales SWOT on Steroids

Does your sales strategy match up with your personal goals? Do you have the traits and skills needed to land a successful career in your industry? The SELLect Sales SWOT on Steroids is designed to assess certain aspects of your unique situation to ultimately help you take full control of your sales potential.

With a little thought and about 9 minutes out of your day, this assessment can help you uncover gaps and opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t have spotted. And by understanding your personal blind spots, we’ll show you exactly where to focus to advance your sales career.

After completing the assessment, you will receive a 100% personalized analysis of your results with tangible recommendations from Merit Kahn, CEO of SELLect Sales Development. This isn’t your typical online quiz with cheesy, computer-generated results. Our sales experts carefully crafted these questions to gain valuable insights on the people who matter to us most—you!

Take the SELLect Sales SWOT on Steroids

Already familiar with your personal SWOT analysis? If you’d rather skip the assessment but still want to discuss your options, fill out the form below or schedule a meeting directly with Merit here.

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