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You are the best at what you do.
Stop losing business to people
who are better in sales.

1 on 1 sales coaching and group training with interactive weekly programs and on-demand resources for entrepreneurs, sales pros and business leaders committed to maximizing their influence and income without any pushy sales tactics.

It’s time to stop selling and get SELLected.

You spoke.
We listened.

In a survey distributed to hundreds of entrepreneurs, professionals, business leaders and salespeople, you told us that you could sell more if only …

Talk Bubbles


We don’t sell you. We SELLect each other.

If you are looking for an on-line course you can listen to in the background while you multi-task, we’re not a match.
Every SELLect Sales course comes with access to our certified experts.

You will grow sales. We won’t let you fail.

Let’s Talk

The SELLect Sales System is based on three key components we call
The Open for Business Framework

What you THINK

What you SAY

What you DO

Our programs follow a proven path:

Let’s Talk

Companies we’ve helped
get SELLected include

SELLect Your Own Access

We meet you where you are and can work with you in a number of ways.

  Digital JumpStart
DIY Access VIP Access Team Access
Access to Digital JumpStart course
1/month virtual interactive group coaching      
2/month virtual interactive group coaching  
Sales Course- Online video program  
70+ page sales training manual  
Templates, checklists, worksheets  
1:1 coaching (up to 2 hours per mo)    
Quarterly strategy planning meeting    
Custom project design      

Not sure which option is right for you?

We aren’t either.

So take our complimentary SWOT Analysis and we’ll figure it out together.


Is this an online course with coaching?

The Open for Business Framework is our signature sales development system. It is delivered as a group or private coaching program with online videos and written content that support your experience. We also deliver this program as an in-person on-site experience for companies. We meet you where you are. The program is packed with online content available to you in the moment you need it as well as access to your specific questions by a SELLect Certified coach who understands your business.

In your Sales SWOT with Steroids assessment, we’ll learn about how you like to learn so we can work with you and you can participate in the program the way it serves you best.

How is this different from other sales training programs?

Our clients tell us that what they appreciate about how we’ve structured this program is that we do an incredibly detailed deep dive into who they are, how they operate their business and what is and is not working when it comes to sales results. Based on that information we create a custom game plan for each client which means we might teach you “Questioning Techniques” differently than we would teach your colleague. Both of you need that particular skill set, but if one of you has strong impulse control, as an example, and the other doesn’t, for you both to be able to apply the training we have to adjust your approach.

All that to say, we’re unique because we’re not selling you a one-size-fits-all system that you have to tailor to meet your needs. We offer you a framework and work alongside you to make the adjustments necessary so it works for you forever.

I’m new to sales, is this the right program for me?

The School of Hard Knocks has a wide array of classes, but every single sales veteran we’ve ever worked with has said some version of “Damn! I wish I would have learned this earlier in my career.”

You could go out, get your head kicked in and learn a bunch of bad sales habits, or we could get you on the right track out of the gate. Our course isn’t for everyone, and it’s not cheap… but the School of Hard Knocks hurts, classes are crowded and the professors don’t care about you.

We offer you the opposite.

I’ve been around the block in sales, will this get me to the next level?

You’ll keep what has been working for you. You’ll fix whatever is keeping you playing a smaller game. Your experience and background will help you move through the material faster and you’ll appreciate the access to a 1:1 coach, maybe more than anyone else we work with. Take advantage of the opportunity to reach your next level quicker than you would have on your own.

We got you. 

I’m a sales manager, can I put my people in this program?

Yes, we love working with sales teams. We work with sales leadership in a myriad of ways and working with teams allows us to customize the content and delivery to best suit your group. Think of us as the wind beneath your wings… okay, maybe not that poetic, but super supportive and able to make your life easier.

Book a call with the SELLect Certified Coach you’ve been chatting with or click here to set up a Discovery Call with our CEO, Merit Kahn:

What I sell is unique. Off the shelf sales training doesn’t work. How can this course help?

We couldn’t agree with you more. Not only is what you sell unique, YOU are unique. And yeah, off the shelf, online, one size fits all training may be good for learning a recipe, but this is professional consultative selling and most definitely not one size fits all. Our clients get 1:1 coaching to customize their own sales process, strategize on specific opportunities in their pipeline and ask questions unique to their situation which is most definitely not something an off-the-shelf solution provides.

What if I’m an entrepreneur just starting out and haven’t even figured out what I’m selling yet?

That feels like a trick question. If you are open to trusting us just enough to tell us the real deal about where you are now and where you would like to be, we’ll be straight-forward and let you know if our program is the right fit at this stage of the game and if not.

Book a call with the SELLect Certified Coach you’ve been chatting with or click here to set up a Discovery Call with our CEO, Merit Kahn:

What if I’m a professional and sales is not my primary role, will this take a lot of time?

We get it. You’ve got a lot on your plate. You are responsible for everything. Sometimes focusing on execution is what your business needs most, other times you can dedicate more effort into working on your business, not in it. We won’t let you slack off or make excuses, but we’re also not in an argument with reality about what you need to get done if sales is not your only role.

Everything you’d work on in this course is something you can immediately apply to your day-to-day work, no hypothetical homework to waste your valuable time.

How much of a time investment is this program?

That’s up to you. Want to dive into the deep end and immerse yourself in a crash course, we got ya covered. Want to dip your toe in by the stairs, hold onto the railing and slowly improve over time, we got ya covered.

In our initial Sales SWOT on Steroids, we’ll discuss your objectives and time commitments so we’re all on the same page and build a plan that meets you where you are and takes you where  you want to be.

How the heck can you promise unlimited coaching to everyone?

Well, we can promise it because of a few relevant factors:

  1. Our business grows because our clients rave about their results to people who then become clients. Super serving you is actually our best business development strategy.
  2. Clients take advantage of unlimited coaching more in the early stages and then it tends to taper off so as we add clients to our community, others get the support they need in our group sessions and request less 1:1 access, though they always have the option.
  3. We are not trying to be a perfect fit for everyone, we are SELLective so we only work with people we know we can best serve and we invest the time to super serve them.
  4. We kinda love it. Providing coaching keeps us in the zone and our own business development activities are more effective because of it.
  5. We know if we get you where you want to go, we’ll get where we want to go too.
How long do people stay in the program?

Great question and the answer is different for everyone. The end date is up to you.

In general, our belief is that you shouldn’t need a sales training program or coach forever, in fact, we want you to outgrow us, but in order to do that, we recommend keeping us around for a full three turns of your sales cycle so we can support you multiple times throughout the different phases of your process.

For example, if your average sales cycle is 6 months, plan on sticking with us and getting the support you need for 18 months.

Having said that, another way to look at it is, as long as the value you receive exceeds the monthly investment you make, keep it up. When that changes, we’ll shake hands and part friends.

Who are the SELLect Certified coaches?

Our team of certified coaches and trainers is constantly growing. We only certify those who not only come with a vast background in professional business development but also match our values and demonstrate a mastery level of understanding of our principles and expertise in training and coaching practices.

Typically, you’ll work closely with one specific SELLect Certified Coach who will walk you through your Sales SWOT on Steroids, and you will experience additional coaches in our virtual coaching sessions and advanced training programs.

We also give you access to experts with specialized knowledge in key areas (marketing, LinkedIn, CRM, finances, social media, etc).

Do you offer a guarantee?

Um, we guarantee that you will get out of it what you put into it… just like life, my friend.

Having said that, you’ll get our Ice to Eskimos Guarantee

Okay, you might not be in the business of selling ice but, if after 90-days of active participation working with our program, you don’t feel like you have what it takes for an eskimo to actually want your ice, well, then, bundle up because we’ll give you every penny back… go spend it on a vacation with an eskimo and test out your skills.

Seriously, some sales cycles are longer than others, and if after 90-days, you don’t have more confidence, clarity, optimism and a sense of security about your present and future success in sales, then we wouldn’t feel right about keeping your money… so we’ll give it back to you.

We’re so confident in our unique, proven and customized process for business development that if the value you receive doesn’t exceed the investment you made, just tell us and we’ll give you your money back. All we ask is that you put in the time and effort to do the work before you give up on yourself.

Okay, we said the same thing three times. Hold us to it.

If you are open to learning more and ready to grow your income and influence,
book a Discovery Call today!

Let's Talk