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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

3 Quick Tips for Getting Past the Gatekeeper

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Does it sometimes feel as though the decision makers you need to speak with are residing in a gated community? As a salesperson, you often have to battle your way past a phalanx of receptionists, secretaries, administrative assistants, and the like. Here are 3 quick tips for getting past the gatekeeper so you can enter […]

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I Feel So Cheap

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Many companies, sales teams and individuals come to me because they’re very frustrated with one issue.  They’re sick and tired of having to “buy” the business by dropping their prices. It seems that there is no industry that’s immune to competitors who will engage in a race to the bottom on pricing. Thanks, Competitors, nothing’s […]

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If You Need Approval, Get a Dog!

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Attributes of Revenue Rock Stars is a topic I am frequently asked to speak or write about.  When discussing the attributes of top revenue producers, it’s also important to understand the most common disablers of sales people who otherwise look good on paper. One of these disabling factors is Need for Approval. Need for Approval […]

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Prospecting and Cold Calls – How Do You Feel?

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Take a look at the picture, and what phrase comes to mind? Unfortunately, this is how a lot of sales people feel right before they pick up the phone to start making cold calls. I think we’ve all had this feeling, however this “insert your favorite phrase here” moment is quickly replaced by the thrill […]

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A Pub Called The Stall And Objection

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While in Europe, I became fascinated with the pub lifestyle that is integral to the English culture. The number of “Public Houses” per capita is staggering, and each is christened with an intriguing moniker such as The Eagle, The Mitre, The Flying Pig, The Coach and Horses, The Lion and Rose, The Rat and Parrot, […]

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We Are All Selling the Same Thing

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I often open a training session with a very simple question: “What is every person in this room selling?”  The typical answers I receive are “ourselves” “trust” or “solutions”.  All are good answers, but not the answer I’m looking for. CHANGE is what every hunter-salesperson is selling. The change can be from an existing provider, […]

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Ask Questions Like A Lawyer

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There are three dimensions to getting a good answer to a question: THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH & NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! Unfortunately many sales professionals ask a question and accept the first answer at face value. This is because their typical personality style is characterized by high optimism and trust. Additionally if the information […]

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The Wrong Sales and Marketing Approach!

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This will definitely make you laugh!  Last week I trained a class on how to create Cold Emails That Get Results.  It reminded me of the email below which is the perfect example of what NOT to do. This is an actual email that was received by one of my clients. The italicized smart alec […]

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To Brochure or Not To Brochure…

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That is the question I am asked by business owners who are planning their sales and marketing campaigns. The first question I would ask is, “How do you plan to use it?” Here are the answers I receive: • “As part of a direct mail campaign.” • “In the sales call to help explain our […]

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