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How to Follow Up a Sales Call

Making a sales call is fairly straightforward. Following up on that sales call is the tricky part. Merit Kahn, CEO of SELLect Sales Development tells clients, “Follow-up calls can be a nerve-racking experience, but they can also be the catalyst that really gets the ball rolling.” So, how do you do it right?

Below, we’ll explore the best ways to follow up on a sales call, including a sample script you can try out for your next call.

Why Follow Up on Sales Calls?

While your initial call served as an introduction between you and a potential customer, it is ultimately the follow-up call that solidifies your relationship.

Typically, most customers won’t call you back after a cold call, which puts the ball in your court. So, take it and run with it, and make sure to follow up with a friendly phone call! Here are some process and script guidelines to point you in the right direction for following up on sales calls with your prospects.

The Ideal Process for Follow-Up Sales Calls

Set the stage in your initial call by setting up a time and date to call the client back. Be specific, and don’t be afraid to send a friendly reminder as the date approaches.

You may even want to ask what the best format would be for a follow-up. Would they prefer a phone call? A cup of coffee? A video chat? Letting the client set both the date and terms can show your willingness to go the extra mile to accommodate their needs.

Next, send a quick note between your initial call and your follow-up. In this message, you don’t have to mention your business at all — simply express your gratitude for their time and attention. This can go a long way to shaping your reputation with the client, who may view you as less “pushy” if you express your appreciation for their time.

Third, do the follow-up! Don’t call or show up to a follow-up meeting without a clear agenda. Remember: every conversation you have with a customer should come with a “next step” to consider. This keeps your momentum going so that you and the client remain on the same page.

Fourth, plan for further follow-up steps. Summarize the initial conversation and plan your next course of action. For instance, if they ask for a written proposal, schedule a call so that the two of you can review it. Send a written summary of the conversation to the client so that there is no confusion as to where you are in the business relationship.

How to Follow Up a Sales Call

Sales Call Script Example

Easy enough, right? Let’s walk through a quick example that might make the sales call process a little easier:

“Good morning, Cynthia. This is Mark Davidson from Acme Financial. We’d agreed to speak this morning about finding accounting solutions for your firm. Today, I’d like to talk more about how outsourcing might save your company some money while keeping your books up to date. Do you still have time to talk?”

Notice anything about this sales call script? It acknowledges the reason for the call and reminds the client of the needs highlighted by the previous contact. After reminding the client of the company’s needs, you can politely ask if the client is still free to talk. Again, this gives control back to the client so that you’re never perceived as a pushy salesman.

The Best Sales Call Training Options

When it comes to sales follow-up techniques, experience is the best teacher. In the beginning, you’ll likely be faced with sweaty palms and awkward conversations, but over time, you’ll find that the process becomes more natural. The key is to remember to stop selling and start getting SELLected.
If you’re a manager, have your employees practice with each other. It’s always better for practice to take place in a safe environment rather than during an important call with a customer! Some of your team members might think this is silly, but this kind of sales training and development can help them to feel fully prepared to start the follow-up process for sales. Ask us about the programs we deliberately designed where you can get the practice you need with other success minded professionals.

Learning how to follow up a sales call can be a valuable skill that improves not only your company’s bottom line but also enhances your relationship with your clients.
So, what are you waiting for? Stop selling. Get SELLected. 

Contact a SELLect Sales Development Expert to learn how we can help grow your sales team!

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