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Archive for the ‘Sales and Management’ Category

What Is Virtual Sales? – Virtual Selling Processes & Tips for Success

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Now that remote work is becoming more and more normalized, virtual selling is taking over the sales realm. At face value, this technique may seem less personal than traditional selling methods, but it’s allowing sales teams to drive business and meet quotas like never before. In this guide we’re going to explore the tips and […]

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How to Start Your Sales Consulting Business

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Careers in sales consulting are on the rise, with an expected 26,200 job opportunities across the U.S. from 2019 to 2029. Anyone with a background in sales has the potential to become a sales consultant. In addition to being financially rewarding, becoming a sales consultant will help you advance your career in sales. “There’s a […]

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The Top 10 Sales Methodologies for Your Business

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Your sales team is essential to growing your business and has a major impact on your brand reputation. Whether you’re starting a sales consulting business or growing your internal team, selling methodologies provide salespeople with a practical, repeatable, adaptable foundation for sales success. “Trust me, your prospects have a system for buying and if you […]

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Inside Sales vs. Outside Sales – What’s the Difference?

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Inside and outside sales both play an important role in the business world. One of the biggest decisions you can make when building a sales team is whether to utilize the internal or external sales model. Discover the key differences between inside sales and outside sales, and how to allocate resources to each within your […]

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7 Sales Performance Metrics That Matter Most

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“The world has changed and if salespeople are only focused on what to say and do on a sales call, they are missing the most important measure of sales effectiveness” said Merit Kahn, CEO of SELLect Sales Development and co-host of The Smarter Sales Show podcast on The Sales Experts Channel. There has never been […]

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6 Sales Strategy Development Tips for Improved Performance

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“I love it when people are ready to jump right into sales training,” confesses Merit Kahn, CEO of SELLect Sales Development, “but boy are they shocked when I stop them in their tracks and tell them they are not ready.” Many sales training consultants want to implement a one-size-fits-all training program, but training is secondary […]

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Maximizing Your Leverage During the Sale

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Does it often feel as if your prospects have the upper hand? Far too frequently ending up on the short end of the stick? All give and no get?  Below are typical warning signs that your prospect is in control of the sale: You sent over pricing, and now the prospect won’t return your phone […]

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Voicemails that Get Returned – Top 10 Reasons Prospects Don’t Call You Back

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Frustrated with the response you are getting from prospects? In classic “David Letterman Style”, here are a few things you may want to evaluate: You left your 60 or 90 second commercial on their voicemail, and it sounds like a marketing brochure. Marketing Brochure Speak does not sell. It is appropriate for collateral materials and […]

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Solving Stalls and Objections

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Stalls and objections!  They ruin sales forecasts, squash quota attainment and mangle commission checks.  The frustration that sales people feel is universal. Unfortunately, many have defaulted to the belief and practice that there’s nothing to be done about sales objections and stalls, other than making the evergreen “just checking in” phone calls or emails. For […]

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What Trick or Treating Can Teach You About Sales

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#1.  YOU HAVE TO YELL “TRICK OR TREAT”! I don’t know about you, but if a kid shows up at my house and just stands there, they don’t get any candy. Every kid who comes to my house has to say “Trick or Treat” before they get their chance at the goodies! SELLect Sales Tip: […]

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