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Archive for the ‘Sales and Management’ Category

Are You Relevant?…Rate Your Relevance

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The ART of business relationships is Authenticity, Relevance and Trust.™ Although most sales programs focus on building trust effectively (and they should), seldom is Relevance discussed or recognized. Here’s the question: If your prospect/customer trusts you, but you don’t regularly demonstrate your relevance, are you truly a Partner-Advisor to your client? Relevance is critical. Today, […]

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Sales Skills: The “It” Factor of Revenue Rock Stars

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Despite the famous quote “Good is the enemy of Great,” when it comes to hiring sales people and evaluating their sales skills, many employers have given up trying to distinguish the good sales people from the great sales people. They just don’t want to hire any more BAD sales people. Salespeople are tough to evaluate […]

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It’s Time for your Sales Organization to Grow Up!

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5 Steps to Transition to a Dynamic Sales Culture Have you heard the saying “What got you here won’t get you there”?  Never is that more true than for the company that has reached the inflection point of moving out of start-up mode and into growth mode.  Growth is largely measured one way: increasing revenues.  […]

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I’ve Been Networking for a Year and All I’ve Gained is 10 Pounds!

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Oh the woes of networking! Lots of time, money and poundage all in the pursuit of more business! It’s the best thing and worst thing that’s ever happened to sales people. The allure is obvious: comfort and camaraderie of a group, promises of help and introductions, and more sales and revenue—OK, who did I lose […]

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Flat-Headed Squirrels

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What happens when a squirrel runs into the middle of the street and can’t decide whether to turn right or left?  You guessed it!  Such is life for indecisive squirrels.  It’s the same for indecisive sales professionals. Decisiveness, according to Webster’s, is the power or quality of deciding. This is such an enormous quality for […]

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Sales Tips – 5 Things You Should Have Said On The Sales Call

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This blog is inspired by a true story of a little boy who went to the zoo with his 1st grade class and managed to entice a penguin into his backpack, zip it up, conceal the wiggling backpack on the bus and bring it home. I’m sure, as this enterprising little boy’s mother packed his […]

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